The Brownlee HIV Patient Forum. An opportunity to let us know what you need from us, what you think about your experience of your visits to the clinic and how to make that experience better. We would like more of our patients to attend and be involved:
The Forum will allow you to make your VOICE heard - to make COMMENTS, to give FEEDBACK on your experiences of the service and offer SUGGESTIONS on how to improve your Care and Treatment at the Brownlee Clinic, as well as an OPPORTUNITY to learn about something relevant to your health.
We believe that it is important that our patients are involved in the Decisions made about how their Care and Treatment are provided and to provide Feedback on their experiences of the service: good, bad or otherwise.
Now is the time to get involved in your Care and Treatment!
Please contact the Brownlee Clinic by email or telephone for more information:
Telephone: 0141 211 1075