Learning To Live Well With HIV

Advice Tuesdays - a new one-to-one advice service for people aged 18 and over living with HIV in Scotland.

In-person or online - Advice sessions are available in-person at our Glasgow office or online via Zoom

Our staff and volunteers can offer advice on topics including:

  • welfare rights
  • benefits
  • digital support
  • access to learning
  • volunteering and more.

Advice appointments are available from 10am to 3pm every Tuesday beginning Tuesday 11 February.

If you'd like to book a slot please contact us leaving your name, contact details, preferred date and time, reason for seeking advice and preference of either an in-person or online session at livingwell@tht.org.uk


Free, in-person workshop for partners, friends, family and unpaid carers to a unique new workshop allowing them to learn more about living with HIV.

Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund this free workshop will form part of our GO! (Growing Older) with HIV project. This in-person, interactive workshop will enable those close to people living with HIV to come together to explore the science, stigma, facts and myths about HIV and how best to support you.
It will give your partners, friends, families and unpaid carers the opportunity to meet other similar people to share their experiences and knowledge while allowing us to explore the support we can offer to the carers of those living with HIV.

How to register

If there's someone you think would benefit from knowing more about caring for someone with HIV they can register via email at livingwell@tht.org.uk